ANOC-USA End of Year Party 2013

ANOC-USA End of Year Party 2013


It was a tour de force for the main stream & authentic Association of Nze, Ozo and Chiefs (ANOC) USA led by Chief Goddy Nwufo, Ezeakonobi na Abatete (President) and Chief Ed Iheanachor (Oku Enyere Mba na Orlu) as Board Chairman as they celebrated the 2013 Annual Banquet and end of year party. 32 members regaled in fine traditional Igbo attire were present along with hundreds of friends and well wishers from the larger Southern California Community to celebrate God’s mercies in 2013 and showcase our rich Igbo culture and tradition. ANOC-USA members and the esteemed guests enjoyed a great dinner and a free flowing bar with assortment of drinks and danced to great music provided by DJ Iyke/Jasper. Osadebe reincarnation- ONYEZE AMOBI and the Ojemba masquerade ensemble performed live.

There was more than enough to drink and eat and guests danced into the early hours of the morning…