If Your Heart Had A Voice… What would it say?

If Your Heart Had A Voice… What would it say?


By Nkem DenChukwu

 I do not understand hate. But, I do understand love.

Every season has its time. Therefore, every season changes with time. When a new life is born, joy has arrived. Three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, from sunrise to sunset, we call upon one name; the name above all names, therefore, we hope in and trust in Him.

With every day that passes, you’d hope you had achieved something. ‘Have I fulfilled my needs and those of my loved ones? Have I ever been a blessing to someone?’ It’s important to know what matters, as much as making what matters, important. For me, those are the daily must-achieve!

life issues

It is very necessary to not try, nor wish you were someone else. Your dreams are esoteric, totally different from that someone else. That’s true for everyone. Much paralysis rise from those lazy precepts your mind constructs to grab the bull by the horn, make a monkey dance, as you reach for that elusive stardom. You will step out of that comfort zone that causes you so.

When you fall, that’s okay…for a portion of life is designed that way. All you need to do is get up, dust your butt for the next run. It is the only way out. You will hold on to your dreams in a vise-grip. But first, you must bring God into it. And, according to Pastor Joel Osteen; “Pray Bold.”

Again, you will step out from those elements that make you too comfortable. Sometimes, they keep you from taking risks. And those elements that weaken you too must go. Tell Fear to take a hike, and watch Fear run for its life. How would you know you couldn’t do what you set out to do, when you have not tried? What is life without risk? Yes, it might be difficult to reach your destination, but to succeed, risks are involved…always a part of the package. Now, you will tell fear to take the backseat and watch how it is done; sleek, sleight-of-hand, and then it is smooth-sailing. You will be the get-it-done between you, your happy-self, and the rest of your life.

Each day you wake up is another reason to keep going. So, you will keep going, and keep keeping on.

If you have no sense of self; who then are you? You should not imagine getting anything the easy way. If you did, you would be rewriting the great quotient God had endorsed you with. And, you don’t want to do that.

You imagine where you are at this point in your life. Then, you imagine what you need to do to become the best you could be. You are that same person you were the day your mother gave birth to you, in spirit only. No one can teach you to be you, unless there is a school of thought on how to be you. God has granted you the power, given you the wisdom to be the best that you are; to fashion a beautiful life in you.

God’s time is precious. He sees. He hears. He knows. And, He will always care. He is who He is, at all time. He is God; the reason that you are. He is always on time, and never late. So, three hundred and sixty five days in the year, you will NOT cease to praise Him…with a thankful heart…looking up to the skies…knowing He is not far from you! His grace is beautiful…nothing compares to it.

It is no secret that there are moments in life when the strength of family, love, friends, will be put to test. Remember one thing: These are moments that will define who we are (not who we are trying to be), our values, and the power we possess from within (our inner strengths)…and not our weakness. The bottom-line is: We must choose to overcome, and say; ‘Yes, I can do it, and I will do it, against all odds.’ There is a reason for every season. We are Overcomers. We are the reason life was created. We are the reason the world goes around. Why? God has made it so. Believe in yourself, and trust God.

Let not your love, friendship, hopes and dreams, change with time. Rather, let each be seasoned with the same candor and zestful bust of sweetness as you’d find in a box of Godiva chocolate…as time passes. Celebrate this season, every season, being a blessing to yourself, and others. You will be glad when you do. I know am. And, God will be all too happy to blow small patches of His grace your way, to empower you further…farther.

Happy Holidays

2013 is a continuation of God’s love & grace in your life. Be Thankful, always.