The ABC’s of X-MAS

The ABC’s of X-MAS


By Ijeoma Nwawka

eXuberance – As the year winds down, the festive vibe of the season is in full flux. A familiar and somewhat indescribable feeling resurrects as December hits. Some wholeheartedly embrace the Christmas cheer that has manifested itself once again. While some others, not as excited about the season, just accept it for what it is – a momentary sentiment. Regardless of how one receives it, the holiday spirit has come to stay for the next several weeks. Growing up, I remember palm wine, “knock-outs,” and new outfits being all the rage. Nigerians commemorate the exuberant nature of this time of year with many special occasions and traditions. In the villages, masquerades are commonplace. Young children both fear and crave the audacity of the ornately dressed figures carrying long canes. The excitement is both new and old at the same time.

Market – Today, the notion of Christmas and the holidays is a money-generating venture. Sales boom, advertisements appeal to the nostalgic sentiments surrounding Christmas, and the average person expects to give and receive a fair share of gifts. The commercialization of Christmas is here to stay. In Nigeria, one word captures this concept: “season.” Every business ups the retail prices of its goods. From the trader to the seamstress, it is expected that the season brings with it an increase in price. It is almost as though the purchaser is also paying for the added level of stress the trader must have faced in attaining his goods and providing his services at this time of the year. At the end of the day, the market gets a gift of its own – an economic boost that only Christmastime can bring.

Application – Surprisingly, in spite of the origin of Christmas, each year we must be reminded of what the 25th day of December commemorates. Amidst the festivities, it is easy to get caught up in the secular mentality and ignore why certain elements are associated with the holidays. Christmastime promotes joy, peace, giving, love, and other kindhearted ideals. When we look deeper, we acknowledge that these ideals are propagated because of God’s love for us. By sending His Son Jesus Christ to live among us, God desired to save mankind from the evil of the world. With that being said, the essence of Christmas is one that carries on throughout the year and can be applied in our everyday lives.

Settle – Even more resounding than the noise, the hype, and the running around of the season is the overwhelming desire to settle down. The holidays are a time that people try to spend with family. They allow workers to break away from the monotony of their work lifestyles. A longstanding Igbo tradition that exhibits this desire to seek solace is the grand return many make to their villages. Around Christmas and into the New Year, it is about revisiting a simpler way of life. For one seeking a removal from the hustle and bustle of big city, one’s village provides the perfect relief. In the villages, it is common to visit the compounds of different families, to reminisce on the old days, and to appreciate how much has happened since the last time everyone congregated back home.